Astro Gour

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Marriage Problem Solution In Durgapur

Dr. Gour Bhattacharya is a renowned astrologer based in the Bankura district of West Bengal, India, who has been serving as a trusted guide for individuals seeking solutions to their marriage-related problems. With years of expertise and deep knowledge of Vedic astrology, Dr. Bhattacharya provides personalized guidance and consultations to help couples resolve issues such […]

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Divorce Problem Solution in Durgapur

Dr. Gour Bhattacharya, a respected astrologer based in the Bankura district of West Bengal, India, has helped numerous individuals navigate the complexities of divorce-related issues. With his expertise in Vedic astrology, Dr. Bhattacharya offers insightful consultations and guidance to those seeking solutions to marital problems that have reached a critical stage. His deep understanding of

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Divorce Problem Solution in Bankura

Dr. Gour Bhattacharya, a respected astrologer based in the Bankura district of West Bengal, India, has helped numerous individuals navigate the complexities of divorce-related issues. With his expertise in Vedic astrology, Dr. Bhattacharya offers insightful consultations and guidance to those seeking solutions to marital problems that have reached a critical stage. His deep understanding of

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-: বিবাহ না হওয়ার যোগ : – ১ – রাশিচক্রের সপ্তম পতি দূর্বল, দুঃস্থানগত, বক্রী, শনি বা মঙ্গল দ্বারা যুক্ত বা দৃষ্ট হয়ে ষষ্ঠে বা সপ্তমে বা অস্টমে বা দশমে বা দ্বাদশে অবস্থান করলে বিবাহ না হওয়ার সম্ভাবনা থেকে থাকে। ২ – রাশিচক্রে সপ্তমে একাধিক পাপ গ্রহের অবস্থান বা দৃষ্টি থাকলে বা যুক্ত থাকলে বিবাহে